PerSeriesStyle Constructor (List(Brush), List(Brush), List(Double), List(DashStyle))
See Also

Initializes a new instance of the PerSeriesStyle class.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting
Assembly: MindFusion.Charting


C#  Copy Code

public PerSeriesStyle (
    List<Brush> fills,
    List<Brush> strokes,
    List<Double> strokeThicknesses,
    List<DashStyle> strokeDashStyles

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public New ( _
    fills As List(Of Brush), _
    strokes As List(Of Brush), _
    strokeThicknesses As List(Of Double), _
    strokeDashStyles As List(Of DashStyle) _



A list of brushes, each Brush used to fill all elements of a series.


A list of brushes, each Brush used to stroke all elements of a series.


A list of stroke thicknesses, each thickness applied to all elements of a series.


A list of dash styles, each style applied to all elements of a series.

 See Also